High-Energy Physics Condensed Matter Theory Condensed Matter Experiment

Superstring and field theory: superstring and supergravity, gauge/gravity duality and integrability, conformal field theory, superstring phenomenology, scattering amplitudes and all that.
Gravitational theory and cosmology: asymptotic analysis and characteristic initial value problem in general relativity, black hole physics and black hole thermodynamics, lower dimensional gravity mode, differential geometry, large-scale structure of the cosmos and all that.
Particle Physics Phenomenology: research on beyond Standard Model physics, including supersymmetry, dark matter, baryogenesis, flavor physics, etc.
Hadron physics: hadron spectroscopy, especially the exotic hadrons (XYZ particles) observed in recent years; low energy strong interaction theory; effective field theory. This research field is closely related with the BESIII, Belle, Belle-II and LHCb experiments.