Dynamics of Electrons in Atomic and Molecular Nanoclusters
July 10-16, 2020
Erice (Sicily), Italy
A workshop dedicated to the Dynamics of Electrons in Atomic and Molecular Nanoclusters, co-directed by V.Kresin (USC) and K. Hansen (Tianjin), is organized at the Majorana Center in Erice, Sicily for the period July 10-16, 2020. A poster session will be organized, and some submitted abstracts will be selected for hot topic presentations.
Topics will include
Metallic, molecular and ionic clusters
Optical properties and spectroscopy
Storage rings, traps, laser cooling
Collisions, scattering, reactions
Excited states and relaxation
Attachment and evaporation
Quantum fluid clusters
Solvated electrons
Invited speakers
Markus Arndt (University of Vienna)
Joost Bakker (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Kit Bowen (Johns Hopkins University)
Simon Cornish (Durham University)
Giovanni De Ninno (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)
Ilya Fabrikant (University of Nebraska)
Juraj Fedor (J. Heyrovský Institute, Prague)
Piero Ferrari (KU Leuven)
Eric Hudson (University of California, Los Angeles)
Naoko Kono (Stockholm University)
Tobias Lau (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin )
Jochen Küpper (University of Hamburg)
Mikhail Lemeshko (Institute of Science & Technology Austria)
Marcel Mudrich (Aarhus University)
Edvardas Narevicius (Weizmann Institute)
Robert Richter (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)
Paul Scheier (University of Innsbruck)
Tigran Shahbazyan (Jackson State University)
Petr Slavíček (University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague)
Eric Suraud (Paul Sabatier University)
Vitali Zhaunerchyk (University of Gothenburg)
More info and registration at http://physics.usc.edu/deamn20/index.html