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报告题目 Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons under coherent pumping by lightundefined

报告人   柳天宇 副教授 (天津大学)


报告地点北洋园校区 49 教 410 室 (线上:腾讯会议 838-9499-4192)


       Coherent pumping of magnons by light in an optomagnonic cavity has been recently reported. Here we propose and model the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons pumped by a coherent pumping source in an optical cavity composed of a ferromagnetic waveguide. To stabilize the condensation, a large number of ±k-magnon pairs should be pumped into the cavity. We calculate and analyze the methods of direct pumping and indirect pumping by multiple confined optical modes. The results show that the condensation can be achieved only by the direct pumping with threshold powers less than 1 watt.


       2002-2008年在天津大学先后取得应用物理学学士和凝聚态物理学硕士。2013年在美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校取得物理学博士,师从Prof. Giovanni Vignale。随后,前往美国爱荷华大学从事博士后的工作,合作导师Prof. Michael E. Flatté。2016年,入职天津大学理学院担任特聘研究员、副教授。荣获天津市青年人才计划和“北洋青年学者”。主要研究方向:自旋波自旋电子学、非线性光学、等离激元学。


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天津大学理学院 量子交叉研究中心   地址:天津津南区 雅观路135号 天津大学北洋园校区32楼146 
Center for Joint Quantum Studies, School of Science, Tianjin University     Address : Yaguan Road 135, Jinnan District, 300350 Tianjin, P. R. China