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报告题目Wilson-loop One-point Functions in ABJM Theory

报告人吴俊宝 教授(天津大学)




In this talk we initiate the study of correlation functions of a single trace operator and a circular supersymmetric Wilson loop in ABJM theory. The single trace operator is in the scalar sector and is an eigenstate of the planar two-loop dilatation operator. The Wilson loop is in the fundamental representation of the gauge group or a suitable (super-)group. Such correlation functions at tree level can be written as an overlap of the Bethe state corresponding to the single trace operator and a boundary state which corresponds to the Wilson loop. There are various type of supersymmetric Wilson loops in ABJM theory. We show that some of them correspond to integrable boundary states while some are not. For the integrable ones, we prove their integrability and obtain analytic formula for the overlaps. For the non-integrable ones, we give examples of non-vanishing overlaps for Bethe states which violate selection rules. This talk is based on work done with Yunfeng Jiang and Peihe Yang.


Yunfeng Jiang, Jun-Bao Wu, Peihe Yang, Wilson-loop One-point Functions in ABJM Theory, arXiv: 2306.05773 [hep-th]



  • 1997年9月 - 2001年7月,北京大学物理学院物理学专业,理学学士。

  • 2001年9月 - 2006年7月,北京大学物理学院理论物理专业,理学博士


  • 2006年10月 - 2008年10月,意大利高等研究生院(SISSA),博士后

  • 2008年10月 - 2010年10月,韩国高等研究院(KIAS),博士后

  • 2010年10月 - 2016年11月,中国科学院高能物理研究所,副研究员

  • 2016年11月 - 2017年6月,北京航空航天大学物理与核能工程学院,副研究员

  • 2017年6月 至 今, 天津大学理学院量子交叉研究中心,长聘教授


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  • 非局域算符及其全息描述

  • 规范理论与超弦理论中的散射振幅


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Center for Joint Quantum Studies, School of Science, Tianjin University     Address : Yaguan Road 135, Jinnan District, 300350 Tianjin, P. R. China