张甲举 英才副教授 [English version]
电子邮箱:jiajuzhang@tju.edu.cn; jiajuzhang@outlook.com
截至2025年3月正式发表论文50余篇,累计被引用1400余次,详见 https://inspirehep.net/authors/1257899
[1] R. Khasseh, J. Zhang, M. Heyl and M. A. Rajabpour, Identifying Quantum Many-Body Integrability and Chaos Using Eigenstate Trace Distances, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 216701 (2023), [arXiv:2301.13218].
[2] J. Zhang and M. A. Rajabpour, Trace distance between fermionic Gaussian states from a truncation method, Phys. Rev. A 108, 022414 (2023), [arXiv:2210.11865].
[3] J. Zhang and M. A. Rajabpour, Subsystem distances between quasiparticle excited states, JHEP 07 (2022) 119, [arXiv:2202.11448].
[4] J. Zhang and M. A. Rajabpour, Entanglement of magnon excitations in spin chains, JHEP 02 (2022) 072, [arXiv:2109.12826].
[5] J. Zhang and M. A. Rajabpour, Excited state Rényi entropy and subsystem distance in two-dimensional non-compact bosonic theory. Part II. Multi-particle states, JHEP 08 (2021) 106, [arXiv:2011.11006].
[6] J. Zhang and M. A. Rajabpour, Corrections to universal Rényi entropy in quasiparticle excited states of quantum chains, J. Stat. Mech. 2109 (2021) 093101, [2010.16348].
[7] J. Zhang and M. A. Rajabpour, Excited state Rényi entropy and subsystem distance in two-dimensional non-compact bosonic theory. Part I. Single-particle states, JHEP 12 (2020) 160, [arXiv:2009.00719]
[8] J. Zhang and P. Calabrese, Subsystem distance after a local operator quench, JHEP 02 (2020) 056, [arXiv:1911.04797].
[9] J. Zhang, P. Ruggiero and P. Calabrese, Subsystem Trace Distance in Quantum Field Theory, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 141602 (2019), [arXiv:1901.10993].
[10] W.-Z. Guo, F.-L. Lin and J. Zhang, Distinguishing Black Hole Microstates using Holevo Information, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 251603 (2018), [arXiv:1808.02873].
[11] M. Lietti, A. Mauri, S. Penati and J.-j. Zhang, String theory duals of Wilson loops from Higgsing, JHEP 08 (2017) 030, [arXiv:1705.02322].
[12] S. He, F.-L. Lin and J.-j. Zhang, Subsystem eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for entanglement entropy in CFT, JHEP 08 (2017) 126, [arXiv:1703.08724].
[13] H. Ouyang, J.-B. Wu and J.-j. Zhang, Supersymmetric Wilson loops in N = 4 super Chern-Simons-matter theory, JHEP 11 (2015) 213, [arXiv:1506.06192].
[14] B. Chen, J. Long and J.-j. Zhang, Holographic Rényi entropy for CFT with W symmetry, JHEP 04 (2014) 041, [arXiv:1312.5510].
[15] B. Chen and J.-j. Zhang, On short interval expansion of Rényi entropy, JHEP 11 (2013) 164, [arXiv:1309.5453].
[16] B. Chen, S.-x. Liu and J.-j. Zhang, Thermodynamics of Black Hole Horizons and Kerr/CFT Correspondence, JHEP 11 (2012) 017, [arXiv:1206.2015].