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报告题目Analytic trajectory bootstrap for matrix models

报告人李文亮 副教授 (中山大学)




We propose a new nonperturbative approach to bootstrap matrix models based on analytic continuation in the numbers of matrices. We first revisit the solvable large N one-matrix-model with quartic potential. Then we discuss the two-matrix model with Tr[A,B]^2 interaction and quartic potentials, which is not analytically solvable. Analytic continuations in the lengths of the words lead to analytic trajectories of single trace moments, as well as intriguing intersections of different trajectories. For a given length cutoff, our results are within and more accurate than the positivity bounds from the relaxation method. We also present some results for the long words and the eigenvalue distributions, which are consistent with and more accurate than the previous Monte Carlo results. In the end, we consider symmetry breaking solutions. This novel bootstrap approach may be extended to more complicated matrix models (e.g. IKKT, BFSS, BMN) and lattice gauge theories/spin models.




天津大学理学院 量子交叉研究中心   地址:天津津南区 雅观路135号 天津大学北洋园校区32楼146 
Center for Joint Quantum Studies, School of Science, Tianjin University     Address : Yaguan Road 135, Jinnan District, 300350 Tianjin, P. R. China