报告题目:Diagnosing Emergent Isotropy in Anisotropic Holographic Systems using Quantum Information measures
报告人:刘鹏 副教授 (暨南大学)
We investigate the behavior of holographic quantum information measures including Holographic Entanglement Entropy, Entanglement Wedge Cross-section, and butterfly velocity in a holographic p-wave superconductor model. We find a novel critical temperature, $T_{II}$, where an isotropic point emerges, signaling a shift from anisotropy to isotropy within the bulk geometry. We find that these measures respond differently to anisotropy, with HEE and EWCS revealing effects at various scales, while butterfly velocity is a precise probe of horizon anisotropy. These findings deepen our understanding of anisotropy in correlated systems, highlight the sensitivity of quantum information measures to spacetime structure, and pave the way for exploring quantum correlations in anisotropic phases.