报告题目:Defect Localized Entropy: Renormalization Group and Holography
报告人:周洋 研究员 (复旦大学)
报告地点:在线报告(腾讯会议ID:442 4477 5872)
We consider p-dimensional defects in D-dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs) and construct defect localized entropy by performing the replica trick only on the defect while keeping the bulk intact. The defect localized entropy is a measure of entanglement between the degrees of freedom localized on the defect. We show that at the fixed point of defect renormalization group (RG) flow, defect localized entropy is equal to minus defect free energy for universal part. We construct defect C-functions in various dimensions and provide a proof of the monotonicity for p=2,3.
Ma-Ke Yuan, Yang Zhou, Defect Localized Entropy: Renormalization Group and Holography, arXiv: 2209.08835 [hep-th]
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