Hai-Shan Liu Professor of Physics
Office: Room 504, Building 32
Email: hsliu.zju@gmail.com
Research Areas: Gravity, black holes, AdS/CFT
Address: Yaguan Road 135, Jinnan District, 300350 Tianjin, P. R. China
Biographical Profile
Educational Background
B.Sc. ZheJiang University, Physics Department
Ph.D. ZheJiang University, Physics Department
Professional Career
2012—2015 Zhejiang University of Technology, Assistant Professor
2015—2017 Texas A&M University, Postdoc
2015—2019 Zhejiang University of Technology, Associate Professor
2019—present, Tianjin University, Professor
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
[1] Xi-Jing Wang, Hai-Shan Liu and Wei-Jia Li, “AC charge transport in holographic Horndeski gravity”, Eur.Phys.J. C79 (2019) no.11, 932.
[2] Hai-Shan Liu and H.Lu, “Action Growth of Dyonic Black Holes and Electromagnetic Duality”, JHEP 1909(2019) 102.
[3] Xing-Hui Feng and Hai-Shan Liu, “Holographic Complexity Growth Rate in Horndeski Theory”, Eur.Phys.J. C79 (2019) no.1, 40.
[4] Hai-Shan Liu, “Violation of thermal conductivity bound in Horndeski theory”, Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.6, 061902.
[5] Yue-Zhou Li, Hai-Shan Liu and Hong Lu, “Quasi-Topological Ricci Polynomial Gravities ”, JHEP 1802 (2018) 166.
[6] Xing-Hui Feng, Hai-Shan Liu, Wen-Tian Lu and Hong Lu, “Horndeski Gravity and the Violation of Reverse Isoperimetric Inequality ”, Eur.Phys.J. C77 (2017) no.11, 790 .
[7] Hai-Shan Liu, Hong Lu and C.N. Pope, “Holographic Heat Current as Noether Current ”,JHEP 1709 (2017) 146.
[8] Wei-Jian Jiang, Hai-Shan Liu, Hong Lu and C.N. Pope, “DC Conductivities with Momentum Dissipation in Horndeski Theories”,JHEP 1707 (2017) 084.
[9] Sera Cremonini, Hai-Shan Liu, Hong Lu and C.N. Pope, “DC Conductivities from Non-Relativistic Scaling Geometries with Momentum Dissipation”,JHEP 1704 (2017) 009.
[10] Hai-Shan Liu, H.Lü and C.N.Pope, “Magnetically-Charged Black Branes and Viscosity/Entropy Ratios”,JHEP 1612 (2016) 097.
Open Positions
We look for talented students who are interested in theoretical physics. Currently there are 1 position for master students and 1 position for Ph.D. students per year.