报告题目:The Cubic CFT: quantum loop model and conformal perturbation
报告人:荣俊臣 博士(法国高等科学研究所)
报告地点:在线报告(腾讯会议ID:442 4477 5872)
We study the quantum loop model on the triangular lattice. In the continuum limit, the phase transition between the Z2 spin liquid phase and a certain solid phase with broken translational symmetry can be understood as a quantum field theory of three scalars coupled together, which corresponds to the Cubic CFT. The scaling dimension of the order parameter of this transition can be calculated using conformal perturbation method, with the conformal bootstrap result of the O(3) vector model as input. If time permits, I will also discuss the scaling dimension of large change section of the O(3) CFT, which provides new test of the large charge effective theory.