报告人:冉仕举 副教授(首都师范大学物理系)
报告时间: 2022年9月30日(15:30-17:00)
报告人简介:冉仕举,首都师范大学物理系副教授,主要研究量子多体物理、张量网络理论与方法、量子信息与量子计算、量子机器学习;发表学术论文40篇,于Springer出版社(瑞士)出版英文专著《Tensor Network Contractions》,于首师大出版社出版中文专著《张量网络》;任SCI期刊客座编辑,机器学习国际会议委员会成员,PRL、IEEE TNNLS等期刊审稿人。
[1] S.-J. Ran, E. Tirrito, C. Peng, X. Chen, L. Tagliacozzo, G. Su, and M. Lewenstein, Tensor Network Contractions: Methods and Applications to Quantum Many-Body Systems (Springer, Cham, 2020).
[2] P.-F. Zhou, R. Hong, and S.-J. Ran, Automatically differentiable quantum circuit for many-qubit state preparation, Phys. Rev. A 104, 042601 (2021).
[3] Y. Yang, Z.-Z. Sun, S.-J. Ran, and G. Su, Visualizing quantum phases and identifying quantum phase transitions by nonlinear dimensional reduction, Phys. Rev. B 103, 075106 (2021).
[4] W.-M. Li and S.-J. Ran, Non-parametric semi-supervised learning in many-body Hilbert space with rescaled logarithmic fidelity, Mathematics 10, 940 (2022)
[5] D. Liu, S.-J. Ran, P.Wittek, C. Peng, R. B. Garc´ıa, G. Su, and M. Lewenstein, Machine learning by unitary tensor network of hierarchical tree structure, New Journal of Physics 21, 073059 (2019).
[6] S.-J. Ran, Z.-Z. Sun, S.-M. Fei, G. Su, and M. Lewenstein, Tensor network compressed sensing with unsupervised machine learning, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033293 (2020).