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报告题目Parity Violating Gravity ModelsDF14

报告人李明哲 教授(中国科学技术大学交叉学科理论研究中心)


报告地点在线报告(腾讯会议ID:442 4477 5872)


近年来,引力波的实验发现以及宇宙微波背景辐射的观测技术的进步,使得人们有望用更多、更高精度的实验方法去检验引力的性质,也促进了人们对宇称破缺的引力理论的研究兴趣。在此次报告中,我将介绍几种宇称破缺的引力模型,它们分别基于广义相对论以及与之等价的Teleparallel引力与Symmetric Teleparallel引力理论框架。通过分析它们自身的一些困境,重点指出其中的Nieh-Yan修正的Teleparallel引力模型的可行性。


[1] M. Li, H. Rao and D. Zhao, A simple parity violating gravity model without ghost instability, JCAP 11 (2020) 023, [2007.08038].

[2] M. Li, H. Rao and Y. Tong, Revisiting a parity violating gravity model without ghost instability: Local Lorentz covariance, Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) 084077, [2104.05917].

[3] M. Li and D. Zhao, A simple parity violating model in the symmetric teleparallel gravity and its cosmological perturbations, Phys. Lett. B 827 (2022) 136968, [2108.01337].

[4] M. Li, Z. Li and H. Rao, Ghost instability in the teleparallel gravity model with parity violations, 2201.02357.

[5] M. Li, Y. Tong and D. Zhao, A possible consistent model of parity violations in the symmetric teleparallel gravity, 2203.06912.




Parity Violating Gravity Models_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


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Center for Joint Quantum Studies, School of Science, Tianjin University     Address : Yaguan Road 135, Jinnan District, 300350 Tianjin, P. R. China