报告人:常雷 教授(南开大学)
报告地点:32教256(腾讯会议ID:375 3347 0839)
报告题目: Regarding the distribution of glue in the pion
报告摘要: Since glue provides binding in quantum chromodynamics, the glue distribution function(DF) could play a special role in understanding why the scale of emergent hadron mass is obvious in the proton but hidden in the pion. Producing reliable predictions for the proton's DFs is difficult because the proton is a three-body problem. The situation for the pion, a two-body problem, is much better. We will present the glue distribution in the pion by the DSEs and lattice QCD approaches, and find, within uncertainties, there is pointwise agreement between the two results on the entire depicted domains. Now we can draw charts which reveal the pion's structure in exquisite detail.