报告题目:Towards an effective theory for the gravitational waves
报 告 人: 高显 教授(中山大学)
报告时间:2021 年 3 月 11 日(周四)15:30
报告地点:在线报告( 腾讯会议 ID : 375 3347 0839)
The gravitational waves (GWs), which are the two tensorial (TT) modes in the metric, are the only propagating modes in the general relativity (GR). Is GR the unique gravitational theory that propagates the TT modes only? Is it possible to modify GR without introducing extra mode(s) other than the TT modes? We investigate the possibility for having the TT modes only in a large class of modified gravity theories that respect spatial covariance. Generally, there are three modes propagating in such theories, of which two are tensorial and one is of the scalar type. Interestingly, for theories with metric variables only and with auxiliary variable(s), we managed to find conditions to eliminate the scalar mode so that only the TT modes are propagating. As the "minimally" modification of GR, such theories can be tested against the observations, and also supply us a broader playground to questioning the uniqueness of GR.