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报告题目Characteristic modes of a thick brane: resonances and 12822

quasinormal modes

报告人刘玉孝 教授 (兰州大学)


报告地点在线报告(腾讯会议ID:442 4477 5872)


Usually, characteristic modes describe the key features of a physical system. For example, as the characteristic modes of a black hole, quasinormal modes carry the information of the black hole. In this talk, I will introduce the resonant Kaluza-Klein modes and quasinormal modes of a thick brane and discuss the relation between them.


[1] Qin Tan, Wen-Di Guo, and Yu-Xiao Liu, Sound from extra dimensions: Quasinormal modes of a thick brane, Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022) 044038, arXiv:2205.05255[gr-qc].
[2] Qin Tan, Wen-Di Guo, Yu-Peng Zhang, and Yu-Xiao Liu, Characteristic modes of a thick brane: resonances and quasinormal modes, in preparation.




Characteristic modes of a thick brane: resonances and quasinormal modes_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


天津大学理学院 量子交叉研究中心   地址:天津津南区 雅观路135号 天津大学北洋园校区32楼146 
Center for Joint Quantum Studies, School of Science, Tianjin University     Address : Yaguan Road 135, Jinnan District, 300350 Tianjin, P. R. China