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报告题目Linear level repulsion near exceptional points of non-Hermitian random matrices2D06

报告人汪晨 副教授

报告时间2022年4月15日(星期五)15:30 - 17:00

报告地点在线报告(腾讯会议ID:614 767 077)


Level statistics are powerful tools for investigating complex quantum systems that random matrices could effectively describe. For example, the nearest-neighbor level-spacing distributions are one fundamental quantity for disordered systems and universal in many cases. It is well established that extended and localized states of Hermitian disordered systems follow the Wigner-Dyson distributions and the Poisson distribution in the thermodynamic limit, respectively, while the Ginibre distributions describe non-Hermitian disordered systems. However, the level statistics of non-Hermitian random matrices are not comprehensively studied, e.g., the level-spacing distribution of systems of neither Hermitian nor non-Hermitian with complete complex eigenvalues is still unknown. In this talk, I will show a new class of universal level statistics in the vicinity of exceptional points of non-Hermitian random matrices. Surprisingly, the nearest-neighbor level-spacing distributions show a universal linear level repulsion, in contrast to the cubic level repulsion of the Ginibre ensembles. Furthermore, a simple surmise can describe the level-spacing distributions in the thermodynamic limit. Cavity-magnon-polaritons are feasible platforms for observing the linear level repulsion at exceptional points, whose effective Hamiltonians are non-Hermitian due to the inevitable loss.


Dr. Chen WANG received his Ph.D. degree from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2016 and have joined the department of science of Tianjin University in 2019. His research interests include quantum phase transitions induced by disorders, topological phases, spintronics, and quantum chaos. Recently, he has focused on exploring novel phenomena in non-Hermitian systems.


天津大学理学院 量子交叉研究中心   地址:天津津南区 雅观路135号 天津大学北洋园校区32楼146 
Center for Joint Quantum Studies, School of Science, Tianjin University     Address : Yaguan Road 135, Jinnan District, 300350 Tianjin, P. R. China