报告题目:Topological Physics in Iron-Based Superconductors
报告人: 胡江平 研究员(中国科学院物理研究所)
报告时间:2020 年 12 月 30 日(周三)15:30
报告地点:在线报告( 腾讯会议 ID : 156 515 044)
Iron-based superconductors and topological matters have been two important research frontiers in condensed matter physics. Here we discuss the recent progress to bridge these two fields. It has been found that iron-based superconductors can be considered as connate topological superconductors in which there are topological nontrivial bands, coexisting with bands that are responsible for superconductivity. We review several different cases that nontrivial topological physics arises in iron-based superconductors. In particular, we will address two recent theoretical progresses, the rich topological vortex states in these materials, and a high order topological superconductivity state defined by s± pairing symmetry. The flexible realizations of the topology physics make iron-based superconductors to be unique topological materials and provide opportunities to realize topological superconductivity and Majorana modes at high temperature.
胡江平研究员,1989 - 1994年在北京大学获学士学位,1994 - 1997年在中科院理论物理所获硕士学位,1997 - 2002年在美国斯坦福大学获博士学位;2002 - 2004 年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校做博士后;2004 - 2010年在美国普渡大学工作,先后任助理教授和副教授,2010年开始在中科院物理所工作,2012年入选国家人才计划,2014 - 2016担任凝聚态理论与材料计算实验室副主任,2016-2017担任所长助理,现任物理所研究员和副所长。
已发表SCI论文230篇,其中包括 Science(1篇)、Science 和 Nature 子刊 (16篇)、PRX (11篇)/ PRL (31篇)、 Sci. Bull.(科学通报)(8篇)等高影响因子期刊70多篇,SCI总引用11400次,他引10700次,H因子55;入选“汤森路透高被引科学家”和“科睿唯安高被引学者”;2018年入选美国物理学会会士,2019年获“周培源物理奖”。
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