报告题目:TsT, TTbar and black strings 
报告人:宋伟 教授(清华大学)
报告时间:2020 年 10 月 22 日(周四)10:00
报告地点:在线报告( 腾讯会议 ID : 628 524 022)
I will describe a toy model of holographic duality in string theory which describes black strings in asymptotically flat spacetime with a linear dilaton. The starting point is IIB string theory on AdS3 with NS-NS three form flux, which is holographically dual to a two dimensional CFT. Performing TsT transformations( T-duality, shift, and T-duality) to BTZ black holes, one obtains black strings which interpolates BTZ in the IR and linear dilaton background in the UV. The holographic dual is conjectured to be a single trace TTbar deformation of the CFT. As supporting evidence, we find a matching of the deformed spectrum, the thermodynamics, and a critical value of the deformation parameter.
报告人简介:宋伟: 2000-2004 在南京大学获得学士学位,2004-2009 中科院理论物理研究所获得博士学位,2009-2013 哈佛大学博士后,2013-2014普林斯顿大学博士后,2014-2020清华大学副教授,2019-2020普林斯顿高等研究院 清华-IAS学者,2020开始获聘清华大学教授。