报告题目: Fermi Condensation induced by Weyl anomaly
报告时间:2020年4月23日 16:10(北京时间)。
报告地点:在线报告(腾讯会议 ID: 352 549 164)
Fermi condensation is usually a phenomena of strongly correlated system. In this report, we point out a novel mechanism for condensation of Dirac fermions due to Weyl anomaly. The condensation has its physical origin in the nontrivial response of the fermion vacuum to changes in the background spacetime (either boundary location or the background metric), and can be felt when a background scalar field is turned on. The scalar field can be, for example, the Higgs field in a fundamental theory or the phonon in condensed matter system. For a spacetime with boundaries, the induced Fermi condensate is inversely proportional to the proper distance from the boundary. For a conformally flat spacetime without boundaries, Fermi condensation depends on the conformal factor and its derivatives. We verify our results by studying free theory and holographic boundary conformal field theory. Due to its universal nature, this anomaly induced Fermi condensate can be expected to have a wide range of applications in physics.
报告人简介: 苗荣欣,2008年南开大学本科毕业,2014年中国科学技术大学博士毕业,2014年-2016年德国马普引力所博士后,2016年-2018年台湾清华大学博士后,2018年至今中山大学副教授。
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